Prayer Boot Camp Tip#2

Prayer Boot Camp Tip#2



Remember the post on the “Prayer Boot Camp”? Today I’d like to share tip#2 for feeling the power of God behind us through prayer.

Our first tip for effective prayers was HOW to pray the way Jesus taught us in the Bible. Using the PRAY method. P- praise, R-repentance, A-appreciation, and Y-yearnings.

Today, I’d like to share another tip I learned about prayer. Tip #2:   WHY we should pray.

We all know how human nature works: We pray when we need something, when we are desperate for a change in our lives. Sometimes it’s when a loved one is ill or when we desire something we can’t get for ourselves. But prayer is not only about begging God in the frantic or uncontrollable times of our lives; It is an avenue of worship and fellowship with our God who only wants the best for us. Click To Tweet



Prayer can be a time of renewal. Jesus told us that without fellowship with Him, we are nothing.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.”   –John 15:5  We will wither up and die without Him.

Prayer is important to a Christian because it is actually infusing our life with the power of the God of the universe. Click To TweetWow! We have that power and energy behind us as long as we stay in God’s will and stay in fellowship with Him. To stay in God’s will, we have to be in constant contact with Him and follow His leading.

He loves us and wants the best for us, but when we forget to fellowship with Him, we lose the blessings He longs to give us. We wither up and die.

Why should we pray? Wouldn’t you love to bask in the BEST God has stored up for you? Prayer is the key.

Why do YOU think prayer is important in a Christian’s life?

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